
When times are tough employers often make cost savings by making staff redundant. If you’ve been told your job is at risk of being made redundant it’s important that you understand the redundancy process.

If your employer does not follow any part of the process you may have a claim for unfair dismissal and be eligible for compensation.

Should you have been advised that your company is considering redundancies and that your role is on the list of jobs at risk, ensure you know your rights.

Nobody wants to end up in front of a Tribunal so an early consultation with an employment solicitor may help to avoid that. However, if your case does merit pursuing our experts can help you to put your arguments forward and win.

Call our employment team and protect your future by clicking here to find your nearest Hine Solicitors.

What is redundancy?

A genuine redundancy is where a job is no longer required. This means that you cannot be made redundant if your employer intends to give the same job to someone else.

The redundancy process is a series of structured steps and must include a period of employee consultation, a fair selection procedure, a dismissal process and consideration of redundancy payments. If your employer has missed any of these you may have a claim.

Voluntary redundancy

If you’ve been offered the option to take voluntary redundancy it’s wise to get the offer reviewed by an employment law solicitor to ensure you are getting a fair deal.

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