
Being recalled after release from Prison on licence is likely to be highly stressful. This is especially true if the recall is for a situation that was unavoidable or outside that person’s control.

People being recalled are arrested and taken to the police station. Legal advice can be requested at this point.

With a team of experts working for the prisoner it means written representations can be submitted to the Parole Board, to persuade them that the prisoner should be re-released on licence. It’s important to get experienced legal representation.

If you have a loved one who has been recalled on licence, get in touch as quickly as possible to give them a higher chance of re-release.

Find your nearest Hine Solicitors now by clicking here and our expert legal team will help you.

Why have you been recalled?

People on licence are returned to prison when they are in breach of their licence conditions. Quite often clients do not know what they have done to cause their recall – and don’t always get an answer if they ask.  Contacting one of our Prison Law specialists at the earliest opportunity will ensure everything can be explained.

At the Police station

Getting legal support as soon as possible after arrival at the police station is important. This will ensure the prisoner’s rights are protected. If you call our legal team they will gain access to the relevant paperwork and discuss the situation with the person being recalled to ensure they are fully aware of the reasons for their recall.

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